The Robot Mafia is an inter-galactic and Syndicate organized crime based in Fronty's Meat Market, New New York in the Futurama series, and are a highly successful criminal group, turning their metallic hands to everything, from running numbers to stealing cigars. The Planet Express crew fell victim to the Robot Mafia at one point, not knowing that Bender was hired to participate in the robbery. Thanks to Bender, the crew survived, clueless to what really went on whilst they were blindfolded on the bridge of the Planet Express ship.
The Robot Mafia often dines out, with Elzar's restaurant being a favorite location. They had a gentleman's club, and their leader, The Donbot, has a taste for accessories, such as rings, capes and hats.
- "Bender Gets Made"
- "Bendless Love"
- "Crimes Of The Hot"
- "The Silence of the Clamps"
- "Free Will Hunting"
- "Viva Mars Vegas"
- "How the West Was 1010001"